Source code for qwiic_eeprom

# Python library for the SparkFun Qwiic EEPROM Breakout - 512Kbit.
# Written by Priyanka Makin @ SparkFun Electronics, June 2021
# This python library supports the SparkFun Electroncis qwiic 
# qwiic sensor/board ecosystem 
# More information on qwiic is at https://
# Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board!
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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining 
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, 
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to 
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Python module for the SparkFun Qwiic EEPROM Breakout - 512Kbit.

This package is a port of the exisiting [SparkFun External EEPROM Arduino Library](

This package can be used in conjuction with the overall [SparkFun Qwiic Python Package](

New to qwiic? Take a look at the entire [SparkFun Qwiic Ecosystem](
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

import math
import time
import qwiic_i2c
import smbus2
import struct


_AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS = [0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57]

[docs]class QwiicEEPROM(object): """ Qwiic EEPROM :param address: The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used. :param i2c_driver: An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a a driver object is created. :return: The GPIo device object. :rtype: Object """ # Constructor device_name = _DEFAULT_NAME available_addresses = _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS # Variables memory_size_bytes = int(512 * 1024 / 8) # kBytes to kbits / 8 bits page_size_bytes = 128 page_write_time_ms = 5 poll_for_write_complete = True I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH = 32 # Constructor def __init__(self, address=None, i2c_driver=None): # Did the user specify an I2C address? self.address = address if address != None else self.available_addresses[0] # Load the I2C driver if one isn't provided if i2c_driver == None: self._i2c = qwiic_i2c.getI2CDriver() if self._i2c == None: print("Unable to load I2C driver for this platform.") return else: self._i2c = i2c_driver # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # is_connected(i2c_address) # # Is an actual board connected to our system?
[docs] def is_connected(self, i2c_address = 255): """ Determine if a Qwiic EEPROM device is connected to the system :param i2c_address: I2C address of EEPROM. Larger EEPROMs have two addresses. :return: True if the device is connected, false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if i2c_address == 255: i2c_address = self.address return qwiic_i2c.isDeviceConnected(i2c_address)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # begin() # # Initialize the system and validate the board.
[docs] def begin(self): """ Initialize the operation of the Qwiic EEPROM. Run is_connected(). :return: Returns true if the initialization was successful, false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if self.is_connected() == True: return True return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # erase(to_write) # # Erase entire EEPROM
[docs] def erase(self, to_write = 0x00): """ Erase entire EEPROM. :param to_write: byte to write into each spot of EEPROM :return: Nothing :rtype: void """ temp_buffer = [] for x in range(0, self.page_size_bytes): temp_buffer.append(to_write) for addr in range(0, int(self.length()), self.page_size_bytes): self.write(addr, temp_buffer)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # length() # # Returns the memory size of the EEPROM
[docs] def length(self): """ Returns the memory size of the EEPROM :return: memory_size_bytes :rtype: int """ return self.memory_size_bytes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # is_busy(i2c_address) # # Returns true if the device is not answering (currently writing).
[docs] def is_busy(self, i2c_address = 255): """ Returns true if the device is not answering (currently writing). :param i2c_address: I2C address of EEPROM. Larger EEPROMs have two addresses. :return: True if the IC is busy, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ if i2c_address == 255: i2c_address = self.address if self.is_connected(i2c_address) == True: return False return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set_memory_size(mem_size) # # Set the size of memory in bytes
[docs] def set_memory_size(self, mem_size): """ Set the size of memory in bytes :param mem_size: memory size in bytes :return: Nothing :rtype: void """ self.memory_size_bytes = mem_size
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # get_memory_size() # # Return the size of EEPROM
[docs] def get_memory_size(self): """ Return the size of EEPROM :return: memory_size_bytes :rtype: int """ return self.memory_size_bytes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set_page_size(page_size) # # Set the size of the page we can write at a time
[docs] def set_page_size(self, page_size): """ Set the size of the page we can write at a time :param page_size: new page size in bytes :return: Nothing :rtype: void """ self.page_size_bytes = page_size
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # get_page_size() # # Return the current page size of EEPROM in bytes
[docs] def get_page_size(self): """ Get the page size :return: Current page size off EEPROM in bytes :rtype: int """ return self.page_size_bytes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set_page_write_time(write_time_ms) # # Set the number of ms required per page write
[docs] def set_page_write_time(self, write_time_ms): """ Set the number of ms required per page write :param write_time_ms: write time in ms :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ self.page_write_time_ms = write_time_ms
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # get_page_write_time() # # Get the current time required per page write
[docs] def get_page_write_time(self): """ Get the current time required per page write :return: Time required per page write :rtype: int """ return self.page_write_time_ms
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # enable_poll_for_write_complete() # # Most EEPROMs allow I2C polling of when a write has completed
[docs] def enable_poll_for_write_complete(self): """ Enable I2C polling of when a write has completed :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ self.poll_for_write_complete = True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # disable_poll_for_write_complete() # # Disable polling of when a write has completed
[docs] def disable_poll_for_write_complete(self): """ Disable polling of when a write has completed :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ self.poll_for_write_complete = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set_I2C_buffer_size(buff_size) # # Set the size of the TX buffer
[docs] def set_I2C_buffer_size(self, buff_size): """ Set the size of the TX buffer :param buff_size: the size of the I2C buffer :return: nothing :rtype: Void """ self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH = buff_size
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # get_I2C_buffer_size() # # Return the size of the TX buffer
[docs] def get_I2C_buffer_size(self): """ Return the size of the TX buffer :return: I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH_TX :rtype: int """ return self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # read_byte(eeprom_location) # # Read a byte from a given EEPROM location
[docs] def read_byte(self, eeprom_location): """ Read exactly one byte from EEPROM at a given address location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to read byte from :return: byte read from EEPROM :rtype: byte """ read_list =, 1) return read_list[0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # read_int(eeprom_location) # # Read a 32-bit signed int from a given EEPROM location
[docs] def read_int(self, eeprom_location): """ Read a 32-bit signed int from a given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to read int from :return: int read from EEPROM :rtype: int """ num_bytes = 4 # Default to 32-bit integer read_list =, num_bytes) # Convert list of bytes into one big int # First, cast list into "bytes" type int_bytes = bytes(read_list) # Then, conver to int int_val = int.from_bytes(int_bytes, "big", signed=True) return int_val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # read_float(eeprom_location) # # Read 32-bit float from given EEPROM location
[docs] def read_float(self, eeprom_location): """ Read a 32-bit float from a given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to read float from :return: float read from EEPROM :rtype: float """ num_bytes = 4 read_list =, num_bytes) # Convert list of bytes into a float # Use bytearrays as we did in the write_float() function byte_float = bytearray(read_list) float_tuple = struct.unpack('f', byte_float) # Extract float value from the tuple returned by the unpack() function float_val = float_tuple[0] return float_val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # read_string(eeprom_location, string_length) # # Read string of given length from EEPROM
[docs] def read_string(self, eeprom_location, string_length): """ Read a stromg of given length from any address of EEPROM :param: eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to read string from :param string_length: number of chars to read from EEPROM :return: string read from EEPROM :rtype: string """ read_list =, string_length) # Convert a list of byte back into the string byte_string = bytearray(read_list) decoded_string = byte_string.decode() return decoded_string
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # read(eeprom_location, amt_to_read) # # Bulk read from EEPROM. # Handles breaking up read amt into 32 byte chunks (can be overidden with set_I2C_buffer_size()) # Handles a read that straddles the 512kbit barrier
[docs] def read(self, eeprom_location, num_bytes): """ Bulk read from EEPROM. Handles breaking up read amt into 32 byte chunks (can be overidden with set_I2C_buffer_size() Handles a read that straddles the 512kbit barrier :param eeprom_location: address of EEPROM to start reading from :param num_bytes: number of bytes to be read from external EEPROM :return: a list of bytes read from EEPROM :rtype: list """ received = 0 data_list = [] while received < num_bytes: # Limit the amount to write to a page size amt_to_read = num_bytes - received if amt_to_read > self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH: amt_to_read = self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH # Check if we are dealing with large (>512kbit) EEPROMs i2c_address = self.address # if self.memory_size_bytes > 0xFFFF: # # Figure out if we are going to cross the barrier with this read # if eeprom_location + received < 0xFFFF: # if 0xFFFF - (eeprom_location + received) < amt_to_read: # 0xFFFF - 0xFFFA < 32 # amt_to_read = 0xFFFF - (eeprom_location + received) # Limit the read amt to right up to edge of barrier # # Figure out if we are accessing the lower half or the upper half # if eeprom_location + received > 0xFFFF: # i2c_address |= 0b100 # Set the block bit to 1 # See if EEPROM is available or still writing to a previous request if self.poll_for_write_complete == True: while self.is_busy(i2c_address) == True: time.sleep(0.001) # This shortens the amount of time waiting between writes but hammers the I2C bus eeprom_address_MSB = (eeprom_location + received) >> 8 eeprom_address_LSB = (eeprom_location + received) & 0xFF write_list = [eeprom_address_MSB, eeprom_address_LSB] read_list = list(self._i2c.__i2c_rdwr__(i2c_address, write_list, amt_to_read)) data_list.extend(read_list) received = received + amt_to_read return data_list
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # write_byte(eeprom_location, byte_to_write) # # Write a single byte to a given EEPROM location
[docs] def write_byte(self, eeprom_location, byte_to_write): """ Write a single byte to given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to byte to :param byte_to_write: byte to write to EEPROM :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ byte_list = [byte_to_write] self.write(eeprom_location, byte_list)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # write_int() # # Write a signed 32-bit int to a given EEPROM location
[docs] def write_int(self, eeprom_location, int_to_write): """ Write a signed 32-bit int to a given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to write int to :param int_to_write: int to write to EEPROM :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ # Convert int to a list of bytes num_bytes = 4 # Defaulting to 32-bit int list_int = list(int_to_write.to_bytes(num_bytes, "big", signed=True)) self.write(eeprom_location, list_int)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # write_float() # # Write a 32-bit float to a given EEPROM location
[docs] def write_float(self, eeprom_location, float_to_write): """ Write a 32-bit float to a given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to write float to :param float_to_write: float to write to EEPROM :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ # Convert float into a bytearray byte_float = bytearray(struct.pack('f', float_to_write)) # Convert bytearray to list list_float = list(byte_float) self.write(eeprom_location, list_float)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # write_string() # # Write a string to a given EEPROM location
[docs] def write_string(self, eeprom_location, string_to_write): """ Write a stirng to a given EEPROM location :param eeprom_location: location in EEPROM to write string to :param string_to_write: string to write to EEPROM :return: Nothing :rtype: Void """ # Encode string to ASCII representation encoded_string = string_to_write.encode() byte_string = bytearray(encoded_string) # Convert bytearray to list list_string = list(byte_string) self.write(eeprom_location, list_string)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # write # # Write large bulk amounts to EEPROM. Limits writes to the I2C buffer size # (default is 32 bytes).
[docs] def write(self, eeprom_location, data_list): """ Write large bulk amounts to EEPROM. Limits write to the I2C buffer size (default is 32 bytes). :param eeprom_location: 2-byte EEPROM address to write to :param data_list: list of data bytes to be written to EEPROM sequentially, starting at the EEPROM address :rtype: Void :return: nothing """ buffer_size = len(data_list) # Error check if eeprom_location + buffer_size >= self.memory_size_bytes: buffer_size = self.memory_size_bytes - eeprom_location max_write_size = self.page_size_bytes if max_write_size > self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH - 2: max_write_size = self.I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH - 2 # We loose two bytes to the EEPROM address # Break the buffer into page sized chunks recorded = 0 while recorded < buffer_size: # Limit the amount to write to either the page size or the Rasp Pi limit amt_to_write = buffer_size - recorded if amt_to_write > max_write_size: amt_to_write = max_write_size if amt_to_write > 1: # check for crossing of a page line. Writes cannot cross a page line. page_number_1 = int((eeprom_location + recorded) / self.page_size_bytes) page_number_2 = int((eeprom_location + recorded + amt_to_write - 1) / self.page_size_bytes) if page_number_2 > page_number_1: amt_to_write = (page_number_2 * self.page_size_bytes) - (eeprom_location + recorded) # Limit the read amt to go right up to edge of page barrier i2c_address = self.address # # Check if we are dealing with large (>512kbit) EEPROMs # if self.memory_size_bytes > 0xFFFF: # # Figure out if we are accessing the lower half or the upper half # if eeprom_location + recorded > 0xFFFF: # i2c_address |= 0b100 # Set the block bit to 1 # See if EEPROM is available or still writing a previous request if self.poll_for_write_complete == True: while self.is_busy(i2c_address) == True: # Poll device time.sleep(0.001) # This shortens the amount of time waiting between writes but hammers the I2C bus eeprom_address_MSB = (eeprom_location + int(recorded)) >> 8 eeprom_address_LSB = (eeprom_location + int(recorded)) & 0xFF temp_write_list = [eeprom_address_LSB] for x in range(0, int(amt_to_write)): temp_write_list.append(int(data_list[int(recorded) + x])) # Now, set up the full write self._i2c.writeBlock(i2c_address, eeprom_address_MSB, temp_write_list) # Increment "recorded" counter recorded = recorded + amt_to_write if self.poll_for_write_complete == False: time.sleep(self.page_write_time_ms / 1000) # Delay the amount of time to record a page # Need to hard-code this delay in because if code falls into the is_busy() call above # error messages are printed to the command line when pinging the i2c address when it's busy time.sleep(0.005)